BRRRRRRR It’s snowing in Dunedin !!!

Fick, it is bloody cold this morning, snow is falling in Dunedin, it is settling in my paddocks at home. Just as well my lambs own 100% woollen coats to keep warm.

I HAVE got to work ok.  I know the snow is very pretty, but geez it is a nusiance when you are on a lifestyle 5 acre block and need to feed hay out to your animals.  I also have an important appointment after work today, therefore I’m hoping it will pass.

Feeling a little jaded this morning, a bit stiff in the old hips and legs today after my big walk, I was not sore at all yesterday, but today I am waddling like an old girl.   I have a graze on my chin this morning, I dropped a big lump of firewood  yesterday, carrying too much, I chipped the end of my front tooth and hit my chin…  I’m tuff, I didn’t even cry… this time.  Now I will add a snowy picture from google, then make a strong brew of coffee before work.

It’s not long before I go to Auckland now…. I have my tickets and accomodation booked 🙂  can’t wait to go vintage clothes shopping.. all by myself.  I must start purchasing some more cakes of chocolate for my suitcase.