It looks like it may be another sunny day here in Dunners today.  Sun makes everyone feel happier.

I’m feeling a little jaded after attending two meetings in a row last night. I left home at 430pm after madly preparing tea for the other two (I have to go without and skip meals when too full ) arriving home at 1030pm.  One of the meetings was my Coeliac Society Group, we had two of the Hospital Dietitians speaking there.  It was very interesting and confusing too about the new procedures that are to be brought out soon when manufacturers label the food items for the shelf.  There is huge debates going on in NZ at the moment as they will have the choice of using the Wheat cross grain logo on it’s own – this will now only mean Low Gluten, or use the logo and have the words written Gluten Free underneath.  It does not make sense.  Why would you buy the Low Gluten products, especially if you have Coeliac Disease?   Gluten is poison to our systems, it is a medical condition.  The people that are on fabs, trends going Gluten or Wheat Free do not make it easier for us Coeliacs, even the Dietitians said that last night.  It will be very confusing when examining and buying Gluten Free products soon.   What we are told is ‘If in doubt, leave it out’.   There is no way I would have low gluten products in my stomach.  The Dietitians was hammered with questions, they were very good and are a little confused too. A worthwhile meeting.

Anyway, Saturday was good, I went to Guitar lessons, we were told we have another concert coming up soon for the end of year, the song we have to learn is ‘Yellow Submarine’ and we have to dress up in Yellow!

I went for a 2 1/2 hour walk with a friend in the afternoon, deciding to wear my new shoes I brought in Auckland.  We got caught in the down pour on the way back, my wet feet added to the rubbing of one of my heels.  I came home limping and with a huge blister.  I should not have tried to wear them in on such a huge walk.

Saturday night – After speedily showering and getting dressed into a costume (wearing 99% of my Normal clothes) to wear to my Harriers Group end of year meal/breakup Colin and I hopped on the bus.  It was a good night.  We had no idea where we were going, ended up being at a restaurant in Port Chalmers.  There was a huge crowd, mostly walkers.  I was impressed with the amount of people that made the effort and dressed up. … me being one of them.

I had lots of comments on my red coat I modified after not wanting to pay $800 for a similar Trelise Cooper designer one.  I was a mix of Pirates of the Caribbean and Adam Ant (so I was told).  I take that as a compliment as I love Adam Ant, we have some of his music CDs.  To my surprise I won one of two prizes for the best dressed.  Favourite chocolates.  I took out the plain chocolate ones I could eat, I stashed them in my bag for later when I munched them in bed.  🙂 I shared the rest with my table of fellow walking friends.  They were happy.  The meal was a bit average, but the company superb.