I’ve not long got out of the shower ready for work, I remembered the special soap my Sister, Brenda and I saw at a Saturday market she took me to in Brisbane.    I went through my holiday photos last night after Brenda posted me over my missing camera.  It brought back some good memories seeing them. 

We found it amusing, I should have brought one for Colin!

Willy washer

Willy washer

You have to pick the right size hole!

You have to pick the right size hole!

Oh well, it’s Friday, one more day of busyness and then Sunday ,..possibly a days rest or relaxing time?

I hope the suspected Malaysian Airline siting near Australia is in fact the wreck of the plane, just so they can sort out more details, and so the families can finally get some answers.  I was hoping like everyone else that there may have been survivors if the plane landed on land.   Very sad, I hope the mystery is investigated better very soon. 

Some bikies that past us on the highway

Some bikies that past us on the highway